List of Participants
List of those who are already registered:
Surname, name |
City, country |
Email address |
1. | Cabada, Alberto | Santiago de Compostela, Spain | alberto.cabada usc.es |
| Equations with involutions |
| Abstract |
2. | Cid, Jose Angel | Vigo, Spain | angelcid uvigo.es |
| Heteroclinic connections for third order equations |
| Abstract |
3. | Domoshnitsky, Alexander | Ariel, Israel | adom ariel.ac.il |
| Nonoscillation and stability of delay differential equations without damping term |
| Abstract |
4. | Došlá, Zuzana | Brno, Czech Republic | dosla math.muni.cz |
5. | Došlý, Ondřej | Brno, Czech Republic | dosly math.muni.cz |
| Half-linear Euler type differential equation with periodic coefficients |
| Abstract |
6. | Drábek, Pavel | Plzeň, Czech Republic | pdrabek kma.zcu.cz |
| Landesman-Lazer condition for impulses and external forces in first and second order
problems |
| Abstract |
7. | Federson, Marcia | São Paulo, Brazil | federson icmc.usp.br |
| Recent results in generalized ODEs |
| Abstract |
8. | Hakl, Robert | Brno, Czech Republic | hakl ipm.cz |
9. | Hanung, Umi Mahnuna | Praha, Czech Republic | hanung_ugm yahoo.com |
10. | Hoderová, Jana | Brno, Czech Republic | hoderova fme.vutbr.cz |
11. | Jaroš, Jaroslav | Bratislava, Slovak Republic | Jaroslav.Jaros fmph.uniba.sk |
| A route to Hardy |
| Abstract |
12. | Krejčí, Pavel | Praha, Czech Republic | krejci math.cas.cz |
| An application of the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral in financial markets |
| Abstract |
13. | Lomtatidze, Alexander | Brno, Czech Republic | bacho math.cas.cz |
| On the periodic problem for singular second-order ordinary differential equations |
14. | Mawhin, Jean | Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium | Jean.Mawhin uclouvain.be |
| Boundary value problems for differential systems coming from models of burglary of houses |
| Abstract |
15. | Medveď, Milan | Bratislava, Slovak Rapublic | Milan.Medved fmph.uniba.sk |
| Nonexistence of blowing-up and exponential stability of solutions to fractional perturbations
of delay differential equations |
| Abstract |
16. | Monteiro, Giselle | Praha, Czech Republic | giantunesmonteiro gmail.com |
| Continuous dependence of solutions on a parameter of abstract generalized linear differential
equations (Opial type results) |
| Abstract |
17. | Nechvátal, Luděk | Brno, Czech Republic | nechvatal fme.vutbr.cz |
18. | Opluštil, Zdeněk | Brno, Czech Republic | oplustil fme.vutbr.cz |
19. | Půža, Bedřich | Brno, Czech Republic | puza fbm.vutbr.cz |
20. | Rachůnková, Irena | Olomouc, Czech Republic | irena.rachunkova upol.cz |
| Impulsive boundary value problems - a little history about cooperation with Milan and some new results |
21. | Rontó, András | Brno, Czech Republic | ronto ipm.cz |
| On a certain kind of symmetric solutions of ordinary differential equations |
22. | Řehák, Pavel | Brno, Czech Republic | rehak math.cas.cz |
23. | Slavík, Antonín | Praha, Czech Republic | slavik karlin.mff.cuni.cz |
| Generalized elementary functions |
| Abstract |
24. | Staněk, Svatoslav | Olomouc, Czech Republic | svatoslav.stanek upol.cz |
| On positive solutions to a singular initial value problem |
25. | Šremr, Jiří | Brno, Czech Republic | sremr ipm.cz |
26. | Tomášek, Petr | Brno, Czech Republic | tomasek fme.vutbr.cz |
27. | Tvrdý, Milan | Praha, Czech Republic | tvrdy math.cas.cz |
| On the existence of positive periodic solutions to a singular problem modeling valveless
pumping with friction and its asymptotic stability |
| Abstract |
28. | Vašík, Petr | Brno, Czech Republic | vasik fme.vutbr.cz |